Teachers learn skills of School Counselling
Rita Aggarwal
Posted: 2023-04-29T20:44:08Z
1. 10 teachers from 5 schools have earned the Diploma in School Counselling.
2. All teachers of 5 schools have been trained in the "Break Free from Depression" module.
3. Most parents of Std 8 children have been trained in the "Break Free from Depression' module
4. All Std 8 students of the 5 schools have been trained in the "Break Free from Depression' module.
5. Psychological counselling services started from July 1 2023.
2280 - Completed curriculum
768 - Number of parents and faculty participating in psycho-education on depression prevention
The launch was in November and they graduated December 2022. Two in the co-hort hosted live seminars - one presented to 100 teachers and a one presented to parents. They facilitated the delivery of the Break Free From Depression curriculum with the entire grade of age 13 students in four schools. The pre- post surveys confirmed significant improvement in Knowledge, Negative Attitude, and Confidence in help-seeking. ![](https://images.clubexpress.com/862297/blog_images/Wellness_in_a_Box_-_Nagpur.jpg)